Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Instructions: In a firm voice, enunciate the full name of the first person with whom you were romantically in love. Observe crystal scope for changes in interior crystal pattern.

Theory: The so called "first love" experience serves as a template for all future relationships. Limbic response to memory of "first love" can be detected and measured through voice modality. Strong association will be amplified by the VALR and directed through the "moonstone" crystal. Increased pattern formation from a "neutral state" indicates strong limbic connections remain intact. Decrease in pattern formation (increased randomness) indicates weak or non-existent limbic connection.

Prospects: The VALR would be an invaluable tool for therapists in efforts to distinguish between embedded "root causes" and temporal "skill-based" deficiencies in relational disorders.

Voice Activated Limbic Resonator Posted by Picasa